Table B18135
Table universe: Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population
Columns in this table
- Total:
- Under 19 years:
- With a disability:
- With health insurance coverage:
- With private health insurance coverage
- With public health coverage
- No health insurance coverage
- No disability:
- With health insurance coverage:
- With private health insurance coverage
- With public health coverage
- No health insurance coverage
- 19 to 64 years:
- With a disability:
- With health insurance coverage:
- With private health insurance coverage
- With public health coverage
- No health insurance coverage
- No disability:
- With health insurance coverage:
- With private health insurance coverage
- With public health coverage
- No health insurance coverage
- 65 years and over:
- With a disability:
- With health insurance coverage:
- With private health insurance coverage
- With public health coverage
- No health insurance coverage
- No disability:
- With health insurance coverage:
- With private health insurance coverage
- With public health coverage
- No health insurance coverage
Background on table topics
Topic pages describe concepts covered by the ACS. For background on the topics in Table B18135, see: